
With the many given opportunities to promote the beautiful region of Cebu and to let people know the exciting social happenings and remarkable spots they can possibly find; from showing our followers, and friends the crystal clear beaches to storytelling our great adventures and escapades, taste-testing good food and handpicking good finds, featuring local news and covering current events—Cebu Finest will never stop there. We have decided to join advocacy to assist, with all the best that we can, the future of our country, our dearest Filipino children especially those who are in need.

With this, is proud to announce that we are an official donor to the UNICEF Philippines Champions for Children Program. We signed up for our membership last September 14, 2012.

Our Advocacy UNICEF Philippines Champions for Children | Cebu Finest

CebuFinest is so grateful to all the Cebuanos here and abroad, and all non-Cebuanos (but Cebuanos by heart) for their patronage and continuous motivation to help us keep going.

It is rightful for us to return all the favors that you, our avid readers, have shown us in such a way that we can give back the love through helping out a charity to uplift the call to a better understanding that today is the best way to start empowering our children, for our future and theirs.

Unite for Children

It is a community of individuals whose regular contributions enable a growing number of Filipino children to enjoy the right to education, healthcare, and nutrition as well as protection from neglect, abuse, and exploitation. CebuFinest is helping change the future of Filipino children through UNICEF.

Why do we help?

UNICEF is not funded by the UN and relies solely on voluntary contributions. The regular donations from the Champions for Children program allow UNICEF to leverage donors’ resources in a more strategic and focused way for the benefit of children in the Philippines and worldwide.

CebuFinest and advocacy to support UNICEF

To be a Champion for Children is to be a champion for change.

We donate every time we receive an honorarium from our partners and sponsors, to help children survive by providing life-saving healthcare: medical treatments, and food. We also help them attend and stay in school with books and basic supplies.

With our staggered donation, CebuFinest will be able to assist six Filipino children in need, and we thank UNICEF Philippines for doing it on our behalf.

CebuFinest is a Champion for Children

You can be a Champion for Children too. Check UNICEF Philippines website to know more about this cause.

If you wish to know how you can help us with our advocacy to help UNICEF Philippines with the Champions for Children Program, you can send us a message through our Contact Us Page. We will be very grateful if we can work on this together.

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