
The Ultimate Guide to Cebu Experience!

3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner

Congratulations! You probably just decided to take control and start working out! You made a great choice, I can guarantee you that. But maybe you are a little bit lost. Don’t know what to wear, what to buy before your first-time run?

3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner | Cebu Finest
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3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner

It is alright because today we are going to share a simple, short and easy to follow a list of 3 most essentials items for all new runners in town. Now you can relax, shop for it all (and we will share some great tips how to get it cheaper), and go for a nice and long run right away!

1) Shoes, shoe, shoes!

What kind of runner who doesn’t have special running shoes? None! So should you. Look for special-made running shoes that will help your body stay healthy and harmless during your workout sessions and improve your running performance as well. Then be as picky as possible when you do shopping for it.

If shoes fit you right but are uncomfortable – don’t buy them. If it is comfortable, but it is not your size – also don’t buy them. Running shoes should be your most perfect pair of footwear. And that is it.

3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner | Cebu Finest
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Even if that means that you need to invest a little bit more into it. After all, you are really going need rightly fitted and great looking shoes for you too (because that is important as well!)

2) Proper Clothing

You can’t just run in your casual clothing, and you know this. You should definitely look at some specially-made sports apparel that can also increase your workout and help your body breath free. You can find many top-of-the-line brands at sports shops, departments stores or at specialized e-stores as well. I could recommend you shop only online. First, because it is much cheaper and easier; and second, because of various online coupons.

3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner | Cebu Finest
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For instance, if you are really looking for high-quality running clothing, visit shopping website that can not only shop for essential apparel but equip yourself with many other great items made for runners. And you know that, right now, along with various discount coupons, which you can find just anywhere online like Shopback, Honey, and more, you can shop at a much cheaper price.

So, invest just a little bit into some proper runner clothing. Be confident that you not only look great but you are not harming your body too!

3) Bottles for Hydration

Equip yourself properly with right shoes and nice clothing, you should not forget the last essential item that you will definitely need. It is bottled water or other soft drinks that will help you stay hydrated during your run. You should look for specially created plastic water bottles which are easy to carry while running and easy to drink from too. These bottles usually have a little pocket on it, so you can put some essential items that you need as well: your phone, keys or some change.

3 Essential Items for a Newbie Runner | Cebu Finest
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ALSO READ: 5 Exercise Routines You Can Do Indoors

As a friendly advice, look for some nice plastic bottles, and when you already have these three essential things, you can definitely start running now!

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