
The Ultimate Guide to Cebu Experience!

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do?

It's better to plan your next travel adventure to Cebu. Here are four things you have to prepare for before you put a check on your "I'm ready for Cebu" list.

The holiday season is almost here! It means that in a few weeks’ time, the road will be filled with glittering lights, places are full of holiday ornaments, and there will be carols to hear wherever you go!

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do? | Cebu Finest

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do?

Before you set your mind and book your next holiday travel tickets it’s better to plan it out first. Here are four things you have to prepare for before you put a check on your “I’m ready to a Cebu travel adventure” list.

Set a place to visit!

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do? | Cebu Finest

First things first! Know where you’re going! Then, secure a nice hotel where you can rest well after a full day of trying out local places and activities. To find some hotels that you can stay into, check and search for one online to score exclusive deals.

GO CHECK: Hotels and Resorts in Cebu

Gear up!

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do? | Cebu Finest

It always pays to be prepared especially when you’re in an unfamiliar place! Always make sure that you have all the gears that you need may it be speakers or earphones to listen to while chilling on the beach, a new set of eyewear to protect your eyes from the sun, or a new outfit while walking the streets to take your Instagram up a notch!

Dig in!

Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do? | Cebu Finest

One of the highlights in your next holiday travel to a new place is the food! Not only you should try the local delicacies but you should also try the local restaurants that offer other cuisines so you’ll know how they do it in their place.

GO CHECK: Food and Dining in Cebu


Holiday travel essentials in Cebu: Where to go? What to bring? What to do? | Cebu Finest

This is pretty much the reason why you wanted to go to a holiday travel in the first place so no need for explanations here! What we have though are places you may want to chill at but at the same time get that VIP experience for less.

ALSO READ: Experience the best and exciting trip in Cebu

While most will prepare for an in-home celebration in the coming holidays, there are those who spend these celebrations away from home a.k.a. an out-of-town vacation before the year’s end! We know a lot of places that you can visit!

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