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Philam Life promotes “Live Ready” Campaign for Financial Literacy

Financial stability is a critical factor that parents should take into serious consideration in planning for the education of their children. This is particularly true when they have more than two or three children, and more so if the ages of the children are just two or three years apart. The close proximity of their ages gives the parents very little breathing space to meet the needed financial resources.

Philam Life promotes "Live Ready" Campaign for Financial Literacy | Cebu Finest
[Photo credit:; edited]

A campaign to communicate financial literacy to Filipinos

It is extremely important, therefore, for parents to start making plans for financing the schooling of their children as early as possible. One effective way to do this is to take our an education insurance policy that will greatly help in easing the worries, problems and the mental and emotional stress attendant to fulfilling this parental obligation.

The Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company (Philam Life), one of the country’s premier life insurance company of the AIA Group of Company, has intensified its campaign to promote financial literacy among Filipinos.

Philam Life promotes "Live Ready" Campaign for Financial Literacy | Cebu Finest
Mr. Nilo B. Matunog, RFP, AWP & AEPP’ Agency Manager, and Certified Investment Solicitor for Philam Life

Philam Life promotes “Live Ready” Campaign

Nilo B. Matunog, Agency Manager and Certified Investment Solicitor for Philam Life spent a dinner roundup with invited media personnel and Cebu bloggers to a media conference last April 7, 2017, Friday at the Pusô Restaurant of Quest Hotel and Conference Center, Cebu City. He told the attendees that Philam Life’s financial literacy campaign “Live Ready” is an effort that will communicate to Filipinos the importance of proper financial planning.

Philam Life’s goal is to help fellow Filipinos to live longer, healthier, and better lives through better financial planning. They want to help create financially literate Filipino families and build a financially stable nation.

Here’s Part 1 of the interview video with Mr. Matunog during the media conference:

Watch the other episodes here.

At Philam Life, they aim to empower Filipinos to achieve financial security and prosperity. They are always ready to help plan for and achieve every Filipino’s dream.

For more details about Philam Life, visit their website at and know more about how you can Live Ready to financial freedom.

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