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Should a Small Business Invest in Video Marketing? Here Is the Answer

Don’t let the scale of your business stop you from thinking big. Small businesses often struggle to find the perfect balance between promotions and sales. The low budgets and even smaller demographics could be a significant roadblock to better means of marketing.

Small businesses often struggle to find the perfect balance between promotions and sales. | CebuFinest

Should a Small Business invest in Video Marketing? Here is the Answer

To understand this better, let us take the example of a local cafe. The cafe gets its business from word of mouth and the lack of supply in the area. The need to scale and grow the business or market it excessively will only come from an increase in competition. The same cafe will now have to invest more money, time, and effort to get ahead of the rest of the clutter. While it could seem as hard as getting out of quick-sand, it is a very simple and straightforward process.

What is Video Marketing?

The form of digital marketing that uses videos primarily to tell a story or share information is called Video Marketing. Videos are such a useful tool because it is both an audio and visual media. This quality creates a more lasting impact on the audience.

Over 85 percent of all businesses around the world use video as a marketing tool. From a consumer stand-point, audiences consume an average of sixteen hours of video each week. Recent research shows that people are twice as likely to share a video when compared to text or image posts. This trend is fast becoming the go-to device for powerful promotions.

Videos are such a useful tool because it is both an audio and visual media. | CebuFinest

Significant Challenges of a Small Business

Before we break down the process, it's essential to know why these businesses need digital and video marketing in the first place. Compared to the many roadblocks faced by small businesses, the most prominent is the lack of resources to fight large corporations.

If a small business where to invest in online marking methods, they would inevitably fall short in comparison to a larger firm. However, the internet has fixed this problem. The whole online space is a level playing field.

Irrespective of the fund in your pocket, only the best content, the best products, and the most-well managed online presence will get its recognition. Even a small business can use a free online tool to make brand videos on YouTube. Learn more about this tool.

While a small business cannot invest in a bus banner or a hoarding board ad — they can spend a fraction of the on digital and video marketing and find the exact demographic they wish to sell.

What Kind of Video Content to Make?

It is important to note that these videos do not have to be solely about your product or service; they solely have to revolve around your work. For example, a brand selling food products does not need only to make videos about their food; they can also share recipes and the stories behind them.

When it comes to making videos, there are multiple options available for you to explore. Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling:

Explainer Videos. Studies show that these videos are the most viewed, and often give a better conversion rate for any business. These are videos that interestingly provide information about your domain of business. They help portray an image of your brand as one that owns significant subject knowledge.

Entertainment Videos. Some videos aim to light up an emotion in the minds of the viewer. They create a very lasting impression and help to build a loyal following. These can be music videos, creative sketches, comedy films, small animated videos, or conversational podcasts.

Brand Video. Brand videos are focused on setting yourself apart from the rest of the clutter. This video will be a chance for you to highlight and emphasize your unique selling proposition. They can go on your website’s landing page or portfolio. This video is a great way to build trust and add a face to the business.

Product/Service Video. These are videos that show the details, costing, and working of the product you are selling. They are purely to drive sales and spread information about the superiority of your products. They can be posted on the website, and shared on social media platforms.

Pro Tips:

The launch of a new product, news relevant to your domain, or a change in policy are all noteworthy moments to make videos and let the message reach more people. Think outside the box and seek professional video-making help if needed.

You can also use the videos of your competition to gauge the market demand at the start. Do not worry about the skills to make them. Online tools are more than sufficient to start. You can create an intro for your channel in just a few minutes with these free tools. Click here for awesome ideas.

You can create an intro for your channel in just a few minutes with these free tools. | CebuFinest

Why Video Marketing Over Other Forms?

Coming to the pressing question, “Is it worth the investment?” Videos might seem like they take time and money to create, and does this effort provide a good ROI? The answer is yes. All the statistics and cases we mentioned earlier should make this apparent.

You do not need to invest a vast chunk of your capital into making and promoting them. Keep it minimal and post a few videos to understand the nerve of the consumer. The video’s insights, like clicks, shares, and replies, will act as a guideline for making further videos.

Lastly, we know that videos do better than any other form of content for their easy-to-consume nature. And with online tools, the process has never been more straightforward.

As long as you thrive on putting out valuable and well-made content, the result will accumulate over time. | CebuFinest

ALSO READ: Business Matters: Marketing Travel in 2020

Key Takeaways

Prepare a calendar of posting ahead of time. Set a self-imposed deadline on the number of videos, and their publish-dates. Planning will give you the time to execute the projects better.

Few online tools come with pre-built templates that let you replace the logo and text; produce quality videos instantly.

If there is one final piece of advice to offer, it is the need to be consistent. The game of videos will not bear your fruits from the get-go. The odds of that are remarkably high. As long as you thrive on putting out valuable and well-made content, the result will accumulate over time.

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