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Turning Dreams into a Legacy: What’s Your Plan B in Life? (An Inspiring Story)

Jerome has been fascinated by the sea since he was a little child. He was born and nurtured in a small fishing village. He would spend numerous hours by the water’s edge daydreaming about traveling beyond the confines of the tiny island he called home. He saw firsthand how hard his parents worked to make ends meet; his mother sold the day’s catch in the neighborhood market while his father worked as a fisherman. Jerome was committed to forging his own path and meeting their needs. Let’s read the story and learn how Jerome turned his dreams into a legacy that keeps on going because of his Plan B in life.

Turning Dreams into a Legacy: What's Your Plan B in Life? (An Inspiring Story) | CebuFinest
Tuloy ang pangarap kapag may Plan B! Seafarer Jerome started his financial Plan B in the form of a life insurance plan to protect his parents in the province, who depended on him. Like Jerome, learn how BDO Life can help you prepare for life’s uncertainties.

Turning Dreams into a Legacy: What’s Your Plan B in Life? (An Inspiring Story)

He felt positive that becoming a seaman was his calling after finishing high school. His ambition was fueled by the prospect of traveling the world on a massive ship and by the opportunity to help his parents out financially. At the age of 24, Jerome signed his first employment contract as a seafarer.

Jerome dedicated himself to his calling out of a sense of duty and love for his family. He would send his parents money on a monthly basis to assist them in starting a tiny backyard hog-raising business. Jerome would spend time with his parents during the intervals between contracts to observe how his efforts had led to changes at home. Along with renovating the house, going with his mother to her doctor appointments, and taking care of the bills, he would also assist them with their daily chores.

Jerome once proposed to his father that he mend an electrical cable in the pig pen after accompanying her mother to her checkup. His father went on to rest, confident that his son could finish the task. The day had been humid.

Jerome was repairing the electrical wires when rain began to fall. Unaware that one end of the live wires was exposed, he accidentally stepped in a puddle. Jerome suffered a fatal electric shock. A short while later, his father discovered him on the floor asleep. He was brought to the closest provincial hospital in a hurry, but he did not survive the journey.

Jerome had unknowingly prepared for this catastrophe. He visited the local BDO branch three years prior, where a BDO Life Financial Advisor persuaded him to enroll in a life insurance plan with long-term savings. He had long intended to get started with a long-term savings plan, but he wasn’t sure where to start. This was something he could keep for himself after his sailing career was over or leave for his parents in the event that something happened to him at sea.

His parents felt horrible. They had always been delighted with their son for being the kind, giving, and responsible son he was to them. Jerome had always wanted to grow their small family business, the piggery. Additionally, he was dreaming about opening a modest sari-sari shop for his mother. He used to add, “So that you will always have money of your own even after I get married.”

In keeping with his intentions, the earnings from Jerome’s life insurance went to growing his parents’ micro piggery business, and open a sari-sari shop for his mother.

The life of Jerome serves as a tribute to the strength of honor and optimism. It emphasizes the value of having a Plan B to protect the future of individuals who rely on their breadwinners for financial support.

ALSO READ: Banking for All: How BDO is using Technology and Innovation to expand Financial Inclusion in the Philippines

BDO Life’s insurance plan can offer stability and peace of mind at every stage of life, just as it did in Jerome’s case. Sometimes, we are very skeptical but see how Plan B can work for you to keep going with your dreams for your loved ones no matter what happens. Now, how about you? What’s your Plan B in life?

For more information on life insurance and investment solutions, please visit a nearby BDO branch or

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