
The Ultimate Guide to Cebu Experience!

Ideal Food To Pack For Your Next Travel

Embarking on a journey is great for your mind, body, and soul. While you cannot be guaranteed that you won’t encounter any mishaps along the way, it helps if you face any unforeseen scenario with a full stomach when you travel.

Ideal Foods To Pack For Your Next Travel | Cebu Finest

Ideal Food To Pack For Your Next Travel

That being said, here are some ideal foods to pack for your next adventure if you are:

Traveling by Air

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. PB&J is simply a comfort food that most people love. If you are traveling by plane, and you are not really a fan of airline food, then make yourself a PB&J sandwich, which doesn’t take too much time. All you need to do is to spread peanut butter on one side of the loaf, and jelly on another. You can use strawberry, cherry, apricot, or any jelly flavor you wish in doing so.

Grilled Chicken Wrap. The grilled chicken wrap is easy to take with you, which is why it is a convenient food to pack when you travel by air. Some chicken recipes recommend that you use bite-size popcorn chicken instead of grilling one for more flavor. Regardless of whether you prefer fried or grilled, make sure to add in some lettuce and tomatoes for an added flavor.

Ideal Foods To Pack For Your Next Travel | Cebu Finest

Snacks. Homemade trail mix makes a perfect snack when you are traveling by plane. Even snack bars and whole fruits can be taken in on a plane. Another healthy snack to munch upon once you settle in is cut veggies such as carrots and cucumbers.

Traveling by Land

Pasta Salad. If you are embarking on a long road trip, make sure you have a full meal packed with you. Try a pasta salad which is not messy to eat, and easy to make. Fusilli is best for salads, but ribbon or macaroni pasta will be just as great. Add in some cherry tomatoes and herbs for a full flavor and you are sure that you won’t get hungry while you are on the road.

Egg and Cheese Pita. Another great food to pack when you are traveling by road is egg and cheese pita wrap. This is because a pita wrap is considerably easy to eat, even if you opt to have a few bites while driving. For this, all you need are some hard-boiled eggs and cheese slices wrapped in pita bread. You have the option of adding in some mayo and ketchup for a slightly tangy flavor.

Ideal Foods To Pack For Your Next Travel | Cebu Finest

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Snacks. A long road trip won’t be complete without something to munch on while you are on the road. While you may be used to chips, pretzels or dried fruits would make a healthier option.

To wrap things up, bringing some snacks with you when you travel is actually a good idea to keep the hunger pangs away while waiting for a rescheduled flight, or a delayed train. Having something to munch on may just take the boredom away. You will thank yourself later on if you bring along some of your favorite food to ensure that you will be nourished especially in cases wherein foreign cuisine doesn’t compliment your palate.

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