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Labella issues Executive Order No. 065 for ECQ Passes issuance guidelines in Cebu City

The City of Cebu will be under the state of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) effective March 28, 2020, Friday at 12 o’clock noon until April 28, 2020, Tuesday, at 12 o’clock noon pursuant to Executive Order No. 064 announced yesterday. With this, Hon. Mayor Edgardo Labella issued Executive Order No. 065, an order for the establishment of guidelines for the issuance of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) Passes to strictly regulate the number of individuals who leave their houses amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Labella issues Executive Order No. 065 for ECQ Passes issuance guidelines in Cebu City | Cebu Finest

Labella issues Executive Order No. 065 for ECQ Passes issuance guidelines in Cebu City

According to Executive Order No. 065, the following are required to secure ECQ Passes:

1) One member household for Cebu City residents;
2) Non-residents who are qualified to enter and exit the City of Cebu who are not exempted under EO 064 dated March 26, 2020;
3) Residents who are qualified and need to exit and enter the City of Cebu, unless exempted under EO 064 dated March 26, 2020; and
4) All other persons as determined by the City Government of Cebu to secure an ECQ Pass.

Issuance and Distribution of the ECQ Passes

It was stated on Executive Order No. 065 that only the Cebu City Government, through the Office of the Mayor or his duly authorized representatives, shall issue the ECQ Passes. The distribution may be delegated to the Philippine National Police (PNP), Barangay and another authorized person as may be necessary.

There will be no fees to be collected for the issuance of the ECQ Passes. Also, it was stated that these passes are absolutely not for sale.

The distribution of the ECQ Passes will start on March 28, 2020, Saturday, to April 1, 2020, Wednesday. The distribution will be a house-to-house basis, therefore informing all Cebu City residents, qualified non-residents, and other persons determined by the City Government of Cebu to secure an ECQ Pass that there is no need to go to their respective Barangay Halls.

Types of ECQ Passes

The Cebu City Government will be issuing four (4) types of ECQ Passes that will be classified by purpose and by color:

Labella issues Executive Order No. 065 for ECQ Passes issuance guidelines in Cebu City | Cebu Finest

Green for Cebu City Residents
Red for Officials and Employees of Government Offices
Blue for Non-Residents of Cebu City
White for Crisis Management Teams and Frontliners

The passes shall be distributed house to house by the PNP, Barangay or any duly authorized personnel appointed by the Office of the Mayor. Distribution shall be done within five (5) days from March 28, 2020, Saturday. Thus, strict implementation of the NO PASS, NO EXIT Policy shall commence on April 1, 2020, Wednesday. In the meantime, the designated person inside the household shall only present his/her identification to the AFP/PNP if he/she wishes to go out within the five (5) day transition period.

The Barangay, PNP, or any duly authorized personnel appointed by the Office of the Mayor to issue ECQ passes shall maintain a record of the issuances with complete details of the recipient’s name, birthdate, barangay, address, contact numbers, and other members of the household.

For the process of securing the ECQ Passes, exemptions, and other guidelines stated on Executive Order No. 65, please see the document below:

ALSO READ: Cebu City, other independent cities and Cebu Province under enhanced community quarantine

The Enhanced Community Quarantine in Cebu City will take effect on March 28, 2020, Saturday, at 12 o’clock noon. For more details, please contact the Cebu City Public Information Office at (032) 254-8632 / (032) 411-0132, or you can visit their official Facebook Page.

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