
The Ultimate Guide to Cebu Experience!

Support the local farmers in Cebu one Smoothie drink at a time

Healthy food consumption should always be an option. It is mostly considered essential like today’s time during a global health crisis. Everyone should live a lifestyle of good health to boost their immune system through a proper and balanced diet with the help of vegetables and fruits available. However, businesses are struggling because of the lengthened community quarantine and lockdown. Farmers lost their opportunities to sell their produce in these tough times. But local farmers in Cebu were given a chance to revive their business, thanks to The Green Table.

Support the local farmers in Cebu one Smoothie drink at a time | CebuFinest

Support the local farmers in Cebu one Smoothie drink at a time

The Green Table is a local food business in Cebu City. They aim to bring the fresh and natural goodness of food to the table. A Cebu-based brand and product of Green Collar Enterprise Philippines that offers delivery services of farm-fresh, natural, and locally-grown products to consumers. They also serve as an eCommerce service to the farmers.

“We wanted to provide an easy and healthy food choice for our fellow Cebuanos,” said Neil Clyde Kho, Founder of The Green Table, during a Messenger chat. “We are advocating a healthy, efficient, and budget-friendly food consumption while we support local farmers.”

The Green Table does deliver to provide products to easily reach households and restaurants in Cebu City. As mentioned earlier, they serve as an eCommerce service to the farmers from the different parts of Cebu province like Ginatilan, Bogo, Tabogon, Borbon, Cebu City, Sibonga, and Barili.

The 7-Day DIY Smoothie Kit

The 7-Day DIY Smoothie Kit by The Green Table | CebuFinest

The Green Table’s 7-Day DIY Smoothie Kit is a set of locally-grown produce from local farmers in Cebu that provides a healthy, easy, and budget-friendly way to create your own smoothies at home. For only ₱950.00, you can now have the following with the 7-Day DIY Smoothie Kit:

🥤 Smoothie set good for 2 servings
💪 Healthy, easy, and budget-friendly
🍉 Do-It-Your-Own Smoothies in 7 varieties
🥛 With free 1-liter milk

Available varieties are:

🍌 Banana Strawberry Beets Smoothie
🥕 Carrot Cake Smoothie
🍫 Chocolate Cake Batter Smoothie
🥬 Detoxing Green Smoothie Bowl
🍏 Immunity-Boosting Green Smoothie
🍓 Strawberry & Dragonfruit Cauliflower Smoothie
🥭 Tropical Mango Smoothie

The DIY Smoothie Kit is ideal for those who love to have a healthy food intake. It is also a good way for those who love to start living a healthy lifestyle, most especially those health-conscious individuals. And not only that, for every Smoothie Kit you order from The Green Table, you are giving your support to local farmers in Cebu for them to be able to revive their businesses.

You can also get the 3-Day DIY Smoothie Kit for only ₱250 with the Detoxing Green Smoothie Bowl, Immunity-Boosting Green Smoothie, and Tropical Mango Smoothie variants. It comes with 500ml milk.

SPECIAL PROMO: The fit Bottle

Level up your daily liquid intake with The fit Bottle by The Green Table. The fit Bottle is a 410 ml brewing glass tumbler for your tea, coffee, or fruit water where it can sustain the temperature of your drink because of its insulated bottle sleeve. It has a two-way metal tea filter/strainer for your loose leaf tea and other ingredients.

The fit Bottle by The Green Table | CebuFinest

Ideal for those who love to drink fruit-flavored-infused water or those who love to drink tea or coffee. The gold bottle cover has inner stainless steel and hard plastic component to avoid rusting, and for easy cleaning, too. Also, note that you can refrain from using a plastic bottle to help save the environment.

Get yours now for only ₱1,500.00 or you can this for a 50% discounted price if you subscribe to The Green Table’s monthly 3-Day DIY Smoothie Kit.

ALSO READ: How to boost your immune system to avoid sickness due to harmful viruses

For more details, visit The Green Table Facebook Page for your inquiries.

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