Alagang AyalaLand continues to provide relief to communities post-Odette

A month after the onslaught of Typhoon Odette, Alagang AyalaLand sustains the provision of relief and support to disaster-stricken areas in Cebu City as in-kind donations collected in their business units continue to pour in. Alagang AyalaLand continues to provide relief to communities post-Odette   Alagang AyalaLand has mobilized its teams to pack and distribute over […]

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Vaccination Perks at Ayala Malls Central Bloc for 4 Types of Mall-goers

Now that vaccines are rolled out, things are starting to look up. For those who have already been fully vaccinated, enjoy exclusive Vaccination Perks for shopping and dining deals at Ayala Malls Central Bloc. Simply present the completed vaccination card at any of the participating merchants. Vaccination Perks at Ayala Malls Central Bloc for 4 […]

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How to celebrate International Self-Care Day with family and friends that you will surely enjoy

Today, social media shows us that self-care is composed of bubble baths, candles, massages, and a new haircut, but true self-care is more than just a manicure and pedicure. Self-care is not only for feeling good but also for staying physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy. Your hip and happening bloc, Ayala Malls Central Bloc, is […]

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It’s National Fried Chicken Day at Ayala Malls Central Bloc

Fried chicken has long been a staple of different cuisines around the world. Cebuanos are, let’s say, obsessed with fried chicken considering the presence of tens and hundreds of restaurants, including the small food stalls and kiosks throughout the city. Deciding which restaurant offers the greatest chicken meals is even tough when you’re in Cebu […]

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GUIDE: 5 Tips for an easier and safer Public Transport Commute — from Ayala Malls Central Bloc

Hopping on a bus, jeepney or other means of public utility vehicles is a practical and cheaper option for an easy and safe commute to get to one’s destination. Whether it is to the office for work, to the mall to buy essentials and do errands, or to meet up with friends, it is much […]

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Eco-Friendly Initiatives at Ayala Malls Central Bloc

More and more people are pitching in to save the environment through small but impactful ways to combat the negative effects caused by climate change. Since the Ayala Malls Central Bloc opened in 2019, it has joined the cause, launching various eco-friendly initiatives that encourage the community to actively participate in helping the environment. Eco-Friendly […]

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Eat-All-You-Can Restos to enjoy at Ayala Malls Central Bloc in Cebu

Coming together and sharing a meal is one of the best ways to bond. Food brings family and friends together while creating good memories. Eat-all-you-can places have become a popular dining option for these gatherings. With so many choices around, Ayala Malls Central Bloc rounds up delectable restaurants to satisfy cravings while hanging out with […]

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AyalaMalls Central Bloc Amplifies Your Entertainment Value from Home

Through the years, technology has made significant progress in developing the best devices that have continued to help keep us connected and productive. From smartphones to the internet and the latest gadgets, the majority of our daily life has become dependent on technology, including entertainment. A plethora of offerings from different tech brands has surfaced […]

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Grab-and-Go Food Guide at Ayala Malls Central Bloc

Sometimes, there’s no luxury of time to sit and dine. There’s a list of groceries to pick up, bills to pay, and a lot more to check on the to-do list. Errands can’t wait, but so can’t a hungry stomach. Grab-and-Go at Ayala Malls Central Bloc’s Stop Bite, their pop-up dining spaces at the Activity […]

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A better year with ANA – Ayala Malls Central Bloc’s Neighborhood Assistant

The Year of the Ox brings with it hope and new possibilities, and ANA, Ayala Malls Central Bloc’s Neighborhood Assistant is here to lend a hand to you with some activities you can do this New Year. Whether it’s rekindling interests or exploring worthwhile pursuits around the home, the ever-reliable service of ANA gets everything […]

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Discover Fun and Safe Shopping at AyalaMalls Central Bloc’s Back At The Bloc

From mandatory temperature checks, enforced face mask and face shield wearing, social distancing measures to round the clock sanitation, AyalaMalls Central Bloc goes the extra mile in making shoppers feel confident and comfortable in the safe spaces of the mall. In keeping every Cebuano’s favorite activity a worry-free and enjoyable experience, AyalaMalls Central Bloc makes […]

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Support Local at AyalaMalls Central Bloc’s Marker’s Market

Now more than ever, everyone is encouraged to help the community we live in by supporting locally made products. AyalaMalls Central Bloc at Cebu I.T. Park has created an avenue to further advocate this cause with their “Maker’s Market” at the ground floor near the Padriga entrance, a space in the mall where communities around […]

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